About Newsroom


What is Newsroom? 

Newsroom is a way for you to send out geographically targeted press releases to local media without having to maintain your own email lists. It's ideal for sharing news about things like new academic programs, events on campus, awards or honors that your institution has received, and more!


How Does Newsroom Work?

Newsroom gives you access to a network of 15,000+ local media outlets - including daily and non-daily newspapers, TV and radio stations, wire services and websites. You can create custom distribution lists for any geographic area in the US and supplement your lists with personal contacts. Your press releases will appear in your school's online Newsroom and can also be pinned to students' Merit pages.

For more detailed information about how to use Newsroom, check out these guides:

How to add your contacts to Newsroom

How to build a distribution list

How to send a press release

