Achievement Engagement Reports

Your engagement report provides a summary of your achievement's performance with all of the audiences you shared it with. You will see links to each individual card in your engagement report on the right-hand side of your screen. Clicking any link will take you to the card below.  

This page contains the following sections: Certificates, Story Engagement, Student Engagement, High Schools, Media, and Government. If you do not see one (or more) of these cards, then your achievement was not shared with that audience.

The column on the right also includes Social Media Connect options for sharing your achievements on social media, and the ability to Delete this achievement if necessary:


If you think you may need to delete an achievement, please feel free to contact the Merit team at to discuss your options before deleting the full achievement. Learn more about deleting an achievement.




Achievement Summary


The above card reflects the overall performance of your achievement. Here's a summary of the stats on this card:

  • Students - The total number of students (362) featured in this achievement
  • Total Page Views - The total number of times (5,480) this achievement was viewed online
  • Total Actions - The total number of actions (2.6k) that were taken as a result of this achievement. These actions include likes, comments, shares, clicks and tweets from both Merit and social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

Here you will see some available actions listed on the bottom of the card:

  • Copy - Create a copy of this achievement to use as a template for a new story. Learn more
  • Correction - Fix a mistake in the body of your story. Learn more
  • Add Students - Add any students who were omitted from the original achievement. Learn more
  • Share - Share a copy of this delivery report with a member of your team by email





Note: If your achievement did not use certificates this card will not appear in your engagement report


The above card reflects the performance of any certificates that accompanied this achievement. Here's a summary of the stats on this card:

  • Page Views - The number of times (299) your students' certificates were viewed online
  • Social Media - The number of times (3) students' certificates were shared on social media
  • Email - The number of times (1) your students visited Merit and shared their certificate with others by email
  • Print - The number of times (10) your students visited Merit and printed their certificate

Learn more about how students can share certificates.






The above card reflects the performance of on your achievement on social media. Here's a summary of the stats on this card:

  • Facebook - The number of Facebook actions from this achievement; including likes, comments, shares, and clicks
  • LinkedIn - The total number of LinkedIn share to this achievement
  • Twitter - The total number of tweets containing links to this achievement
  • Email - The number of times visitors clicked the Share by Email icon on your online achievements 






The above card reflects the performance of your achievement with students and parents. Here's a summary of the stats on this card:

  • First Time Logins - The number of students (4) who logged into Merit for the first time after receiving this achievement
  • Merit Page Updates - The number of students (1) who made changes to their Merit pages after receiving this achievement
  • Student Email Open Rate - The percentage of students (94%) who opened achievement emails
  • Parent Email Open Rate - The percentage of parents (81%) who opened achievement emails

You can click on the boxes above to see some additional information. For example, clicking on the Merit Page Updates card will provide details about the types of changes students made to their Merit pages.

If you click on the Student or Parent Email Open Rate cards, you'll also see the click through rate for each audience:


Email Open Rates are arguably two of the most important reporting merits for any achievement. They let you know how many students and parents opened your email notifications. Students and parents view and share their achievement directly from the email. Students will also have the ability to view a certificate if one accompanied their story. 

Note: If your Parent Email Open Rate stat is 0%, it likely means your students do not have parent email addresses in Merit.

Learn how to improve your parent email addresses coverage through Merit's Stakeholder Email Collector.




High Schools

Note: If your achievement was not sent to high schools this card will not appear in your engagement report.


The above card reflects the performance of your achievement with high schools. Here's a summary of the stats on this card:

  • High Schools - The number of high schools (236) that were notified about your students
  • Reposts - The number of times (0) a high school added your achievement to their own Merit page
  • Comments - The number of times (2) a high school recipient congratulated one or more of your students   

Click the View link next to any high school to see the congratulatory message they sent to your student:


You can use the search box to look up a specific high school. Clicking on the name of any high school will take you to their page on Merit's Network tab. There you will see additional information about the organization. 

Learn more about Merit's Network tab.





Note: If your achievement was not sent to local media this card will not appear in your engagement reportScreen_Shot_2023-04-04_at_11.37.00_AM.png

The above card reflects the performance of your achievement with local media. Here's a summary of the stats on this card:

  • Media Outlets - The number of media outlets (440) that were sent press releases about your students
  • Postal Codes - The combined number of zip codes (8,721) in the circulation area for these media outlets  

You can use the search box to look up a specific media outlet. Clicking on the name of any publication will take you to their page on Merit's Network tab. There you will see additional information about the organization. 

Learn more about Merit's Network tab.

From this card, you can view the press releases sent to each individual media outlet. To do so, search for the name of the paper and click on the View link on the right side of the page (pictured above). This will open up lightbox displaying a copy of the email they received:


The students included in the story will be listed on the right side of the screen.

The Resend Release button allows you to send a duplicate copy of the original press release to a newspaper that missed the original email.

The Report a Problem button will take you to a form where you can submit a media update request to the Merit team. We will investigate these reported items and get back to you.





Note: If your achievement was not sent to local government this card will not appear in your engagement report.


The above card reflects the performance of your achievement with local government officials. Here's a summary of the stats on this card:

  • Elected Officials - The number of government officials (446) who were notified about your students
  • Comments - The number of times (9) an elected official congratulated one or more of your students   

Click the View link next to any official to see the congratulatory message they sent to your student:



You can use the search box to look up a specific government official. Clicking on the name of any official will take you to their page on Merit's Network tab. There you will see additional information about them. 

Learn more about Merit's Network tab.

